5 Ways To Be Healthy

Arsad Rahmen
6 min readMay 28, 2021

This 5 steps helps me to be more healthy and Active!

how to be more healthy

How to have a healthier lifestyle? Here you can know the Top 5 tips to be “HEALTHY.”

The content will help you to make your body healthy.

Today’s generation is lacking good lifestyle habits.

Instead, most of them are following such daily routines that eventually make both the short-term and long-term damages to their body without even realizing.

Everyone wants healthier lifestyles but most of them don’t do anything to gain that.

After having an unhealthy lifestyle we go to the doctors to treat. You may hear that prevention is better than cure.

So start a good lifestyle and have good health.

Following these five tips will help you to reduce the chances of developing many chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart diseases, etc.

These tips are very easy to follow and will give you magical results if followed properly.

Be Healthy with These Tips

Having a healthy life is not very difficult.

You just need a proper healthy routine that will give you the health you are dreaming of.

Take it as a challenge and set small goals to achieve it.

Soon you will start to notice the changes. Let us know the tips-

Drink more water

Everyone knows that we cannot be alive without water.

But still, we don’t focus on the fact if we are getting enough water or not.

It is very crucial to drink as much water that is needed to maintain all the processes in our system to work properly.

Following are the reasons why we should drink more water to become healthy-

  • Waters carry nutrients and oxygen to the cells.
  • Water flushes out the bacteria from our bladder.
  • Water improves digestion.
  • Water prevents constipation.
  • Water keeps our body hydrated.
  • Water normalizes our blood pressure.
  • Water regulates our body temperature.
  • Water maintains the balance of electrolytes in our bodies.

Drinking more water has other benefits too.

We should drink at least 8 glasses of water per day for the adults.

We should drink water as much we feel we need the amount of it.

Children should take 1 to 2 liters of water daily.

It is very important to drink enough water as it helps the bodily functions to be done properly.

You can know either you are consuming enough water or not by just observing the urine.

If you see that it is pale yellow you should have more water.

Have enough sleep

We are becoming so busy with our lifestyles that we are not even taking enough sleep.

But we are forgetting that we should have enough sleep as it affects our lifestyles directly.

Want to know how to be healthier? Know the following benefits of having quality sleep and be healthy:

  • Sleep helps us to make our brains sharper.
  • Sleep can directly affect our moods. Not having enough sleep can make our mood clumsy.
  • Sleep promotes the process of making our hearts healthier.
  • A person having enough sleep has lesser chances to get Type 2 Diabetes.

You should have at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep.

If you are not getting less than that you are making long-term damage to your health.

A regular sleep and wake cycle is very crucial to have quality sleep.

Try to follow the routine of going to bed and waking up at the same time daily.

Exercise daily

exercise at home
image by Photo by Marta Wave from Pexels

Who doesn’t know the benefits of exercising daily? Daily exercise has the following benefits:

· Exercise promotes the secretion of certain hormones like Serotonin. Norepinephrine, Endorphin that makes our body feel happier.

· Exercise helps to maintain proper body weight.

· Exercise helps to build more bone density that will help in the long term.

· Exercise also helps to build muscle.

· Exercise helps to increase energy levels.

· Exercise helps to maintain skin health too.

· Exercise has direct effects on brain activities and memory.

· Exercise can prevent chronic diseases.

· Exercise can enhance our sleep quality.

Even if you don’t have enough time to exercise still try to make time for regular exercise.

It may be for short period but do it with perseverance.

It will work like magic. Give yourself 30 minutes to do meditation, stretching exercises, and a light workout- It is enough to make you healthy.

Most importantly choose those exercises that you enjoy. Otherwise, it will become boring to start this routine.

Encourage your children to engage in physical activities. Exercise also helps to make an emotionally stronger person.

Have balanced diet

Diet food

Always have a balanced diet.

A balanced diet gives our body a proper balance of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

What we will consume will have effects on our overall health. A balanced diet has the following benefits for our health:

  • A balanced diet helps to fight against diseases.
  • Proper food will help you to have better energy levels.
  • A balanced diet will help you to have better sleep too.
  • The better the diet you have, the better your brainpower will be.

You should focus more on fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc.

Avoid smoking as it has bad effects on your body.

Try to avoid red meat. If you are a drink kind of person try to have it in a limited manner.

Choose nonalcoholic beverages over alcoholic ones.

Always have breakfast. Don’t skip it.

As per the researches the breast skippers eat more in reality.

Eat well throughout the whole day.

Always try to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner at specific times daily.

Avoid unhealthy foods

Unhealthy food

Most of the time we like the food which are unhealthy.

We always prefer foods that seem tasty but damage our digestive system.

We should avoid the following:

1. Sugary Drinks

Liquid calories make our brain believe it is food that eventually increases our calorie intake.

These give food to grow diseases like fatty liver, obesity, fatigue, abnormal sleeping.

Alternatives: water, soda water, tea, coffee (in the limit), etc.

2. Sweetened cereals

To make these kinds of cereals roasted, shuddered, pulped, rolled, flaked grains which are high in added sugar.

We assume thee as healthier options but these are not real.

Alternatives: cereals high in fiber and low in added sugar.

3. Junk food

Junk food just destroys our digestive system that eventually affects the other systems too.

Junk foods may seem to be very yummy and fascinating but it leads to many diseases that we can’t even imagine how we get these diseases.

Try to avoid fried, grilled, or broiled food.

Alternatives: Instead of junk you may opt for fresh vegetable salads, fruits, and other healthy food items.

4. Processed & Packed food

Processed meat is not at all healthy like the unprocessed one.

As per the studies, unprocessed meat can increase the risk of developing colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, etc. in our body.

Just like the processed cheese is not like regular cheese.

Packed foods may contain harmful preservatives that may increase the risk of various severe diseases developing.

Alternatives: Unprocessed meat, Unprocessed cheese, Fresh food.


I tried most of them and to be true I feel healthier ever before

By following these easy steps you achieve a healthy life that will enable you to live long without severe diseases.

It is just a myth that Being healthy is very tough. It is very easy to be healthy by following some simple tips regularly.

